I. Basic Provisions

II. Participation Conditions

Films sent on SVHS, VHS and Betacam digital cassette shall not be accepted.

7 February 2014. Mail and insurance charges are to be covered by the sender, costs connected with the return of cassettes by the Festival organisers.

III. International Contest

A  Journalistic programmes and films
B  Documentaries
C  Educational and instructive video programmes and films
D  Free production and films for children and youth (advertisement spots, animations, puppet films, features, video clips, etc.)

a) GRAND PRIX of ENVIROFILM endowed with 3 500 EUR
b) The prize in each category
c) The prize for the best film by a Slovak director endowed with 2 000 EUR
d) The Jury ma y recommend the awarding of additional prizes

IV. Personal Attendance

      30 April 2014

V. Final Provisions