Envirofilm 2009
Envirofilm is a member of International Association of Environmental Festivals ECOmove International. ecomove
Envirofilm is held under the auspices of Slovak Commission for UNESCO. UNESCO

Jaroslav Jaduš
Festival Director

Dear Supporters of the Environment,

The Envirofilm Festival is among the more significant public events in the environmental sector. During its fourteen year history the festival has established itself not only in Slovakia but also abroad. With its professionalism and the quality of films presented it ranks among the top events promoting environmental protection and improvement.
Environmental protection concerns each of us as it helps sustain life on Earth in every form and positively affects environmental quality.  The compounding environmental problems of recent decades are increasingly reflected in the diminished health of the human population and have lead to the realisation that we need to solve them.
We believe that environmental education raises environmental awareness and serves as a basis for preventing environmental damage.  Unquestionably, it‘s the most important tool for addressing and solving environmental problems.  The Ministry of the Environment of the Slovak Republic makes its humble contribution to the cause by supporting activities and programs aimed at environment improvement and sustainable development.   Among these is Envirofilm which for the past fourteen years the Ministry has prepared and orchestrated. Envirofilm 2009 will be the fifteenth time people from around the world gather at this event to celebrate the wonders of the environment.   Dear friends, as in past years I wish that you receive meaninglful artistic impressions and positive new experiences.



Envirofilm: An Overview

The International Festival Envirofilm is the largest educational and promotional event of its kind in Slovakia. The objective is to present and award new films and TV programmes that by their content and artistic level help to disseminate information about nature and ideas related to environmental protection. The Envirofilm Film Festival is held in four towns: Banská Bystrica, Zvolen, Banská Štiavnica and Kremnica. The International Jury of Professionals consists of film and TV personalities and environmentalists from Slovakia and abroad. Films and TV programmes are classifield in the following categories : Journalistic Programmes and Films, Documentaries, Educational and Instructive Video Programmes and Films, Free Production and Films for Children and Youth.

All regulations and conditions of participation are issued under the Envirofilm Rules Statute. The on-line entry form (on-line application form) is available on the web site. The awarded entries remain part of the permanent collection of the video library of the Slovak Environmental Agency.  The video library currently contains more than 1000 films and arrangements can be made to borrow them.

Members of Film Festival also have a chance to see films that are not in competition. These films are donated annually by Slovak Film Institute and by film festivals associated through ECOMOVE International (an international association of environmental festivals). The Envirofilm film festival offers conferences, professional and creative seminars and workshops, exhibitions, competitions, discussions with directors, film makers, documentarists and preservationists from Slovakia and abroad.  Also organized within the framework of Envirofilm is The International Contest of Children and Youth Artistic Creativity “Green World”.

During Envirofilm 2008, there was a special Green World competition in which the schoolchildren from Banská Bystrica created a ball made of reclaimed aluminium foil with a diameter 60 cm and weight 20 kg.

The dates of the Envirofilm 2009 film festival are 11- 16 May, 2009 and on behalf of the organizers, I extend to you a cordial invitation.  We look forward to meeting you.

Calendar of ENVIROFILM 2009

The deadline for the submission of entry forms and films 10 February 2009
Pre-selection Committee meeting 20 – 24 February 2009
The deadline for the submission of the Registration Form
for the personal attendance
20 April 2009
Opening ceremony of the Festival   11 May 2009
Awarding ceremony of the Festival  15 May 2009
Projection of winning films 16 May 2009 


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© SAŽP 2009